In July, the Ontario Government passed Bill 184, Protecting Tenants and Strengthening Community Housing Act.

As of August 4th, the Landlord and Tenant Board of Ontario has resumed processing thousands of eviction applications. The Ontario government had previously placed a ban on all applications during the COVID-19 pandemic.

What do you need to know about Bill 184?

Easier for Landlords to Evict Tenants
The new Bill allows for tenants and landlords to settle outstanding debt outside of the Landlord and Tenant Board (LTB). Under new jurisdiction, the landlord can now provide a payment plan to the tenant for past due rent, with a pre-determined eviction date if the tenant fails to meet the payments.

Tenants Still Have Protection from the LTB
Under the new bill, tenants aren’t left to the complete helm of the landlord. If the tenant is not satisfied with the proposal of the landlord, they do have the right to request a hearing after agreeing to a repayment plan.

Making it Easier to Collect from Past Tenants
Landlords now have the ability to bring any tenant still owing rent from the past 12 months to the LTB rather than going to small claims court. Rather than having to sue a past tenant, landlords are now able to make their case for past due payments to a familiar Board, rather than a civil Judge.

Are you a landlord or tenant with questions on Bill 184? Let us know!